
925 Ayar Gümüş Püsküllü Küre Kesim Sade Erzurum Oltu Taşı Tesbih

338.75 USD
338.75 USD

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The finest types of tasbihs whose beans are extracted from natural gemstones such as amber, turquoise, ivory and coral, some polished and others not. Some types are distinguished by luster and bright colors and have several shapes, including spherical, oval, monetary, cylindrical, chickpea and almond, and they are available in several sizes. And hand-made silver rosaries with many distinct inscriptions We show you the best types of prayer beads used by the majority of Islamic peoples You can order it now from Bazarea .

925 Ayar Gümüş Püsküllü Küre Kesim Sade Erzurum Ol + Gümüş İşçilik

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